Anatomy: The Sacred Feminine

with Dr. Christine Mitchell

Join us to learn more about:




Psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual changes


Breast Health


Shifts in anatomy and physiology throughout a woman’s life span

The Sacred Feminine is within us all. This integral part of ourselves nurtures, has compassion, and helps us to heal from within. What a poignant time to consider such balance as fall is upon us. A time to contemplate where we have been, where we are, and looking slightly ahead to what is coming into our lives.

Join us as Dr. Mitchell shares her depth of understanding and celebrates women’s growth and development. 

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, Pranada Wellness Center hosted a wellness talk by Dr. Christine Mitchell on the anatomy of the Sacred Feminine. 

The recording of this talk will be available soon. Please check back again.

About Dr. Christine Mitchell

Dr. Mitchell received her Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2003 and completed her family medicine residency training in Baltimore Maryland. She did a fellowship in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and Neuromuskuloskeletal Medicine in Bangor, Maine. She has practiced general Osteopathic Medicine since 2006 with offices in Baltimore and Marriottsville, Maryland and Auburn, Maine. Her most recent practice has been with Southern Coos Hospital Center in Bandon, Oregon, practicing Osteopathic Family Medicine, including Traditional Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine.

She has advanced training in Traditional Osteopathy through the Biodynamics of Osteopathy Program, the Osteopathic Cranial Academy, the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation and the American Academy of Osteopathy. She has lectured and trained students in Osteopathic courses and workshops at undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, she is a faculty member of the Biodynamics Program dedicated to education in Traditional Osteopathic studies. She has trained students in the United States, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands and Finland. She provided clinical services for the Osteopathic Children’s Clinic of Portland, Maine, trained at the Bavarian Pediatrics School and Clinic for Traditional Osteopathy, and has treated children of all ages. She provides general Osteopathic services, including primary care, for all age groups.

Legal disclaimer: The information provided in this talk is meant for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. If you have a serious medical issue, discuss it with your personal healthcare provider.